Sunday, November 13, 2005

15. Fu De Tang 福德堂

Diagonally across to the Geok Hong Tian along Havelock Road, is a small Fu De Tang 福德堂 standing quietly (next to Meinhardt), almost unnoticeable!

An old lady keeper of the temple said that "it's more than 80 years old." When we asked about the name, she said that long ago, someone went to Kusu Island to bring the "joss-fire" to set up the temple here as many could not make the small boat trip to Kusu Island, hence the name Gui Yu Da Bo Gong 龟屿大伯公 (Kusu Tua Pek Kong). In those days, probably there's no big motorised boats. (^^).

She said that the Kusu Island Da Bo Gong is more than a hundred years old.

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